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Health & Safety Training

Do you want to equip your team with critical skills and knowledge in workplace safety? ESS Ltd provides a wide variety of training courses tailored to give your workforce the expertise required to tackle today's safety challenges successfully.

QA Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace (RQF)

Health and Safety Training

Course Overview

The QA Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace (RQF) is a regulated and nationally recognised qualification designed to provide candidates with a more advanced understanding of health and safety.


Ideal for those who work, or intend to work at a supervisory or management level, this 3 day course covers a range of health and safety topics, including: workplace legal requirements, the benefits of using a health and safety system, principles of risk assessment and the risks and control methods for common workplace hazards.


Successful candidates will leave with a greater understanding of health and safety in the workplace, enabling them to help maintain a safer working environment.

What's Covered?

  • Health and safety legal requirements

  • Roles and responsibilities of employers

  • Demonstrating best practice for health and safety compliance

  • Communicating health and safety information

  • Definition of key health and safety terms

  • Main causes of injuries and ill health at work

  • Safety management systems:

    • Costs associated with accidents and ill health

    • Key elements of safety management systems

    • Benefits of using a safety management system

  • Principles of risk assessment:

    • Benefits of assessing and controlling risks

    • Types of risk assessment

    • Where risk assessments should be used

    • Steps needed to complete a simple risk assessment

  • Risks and control methods for common workplace hazards:

    • Occupational, environmental, human and organisational factors

    • Injuries, ill health and other damage that can occur

    • Identifying risk control measures using the hierarchy of control

  • Procedures for responding to accidents and incidents

  • Investigation techniques for revealing immediate and root causes

QA Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace (RQF)

Health and Safety Training

Course Overview

The QA Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace (RQF) is ideal for all employees, as it helps candidates develop a greater understanding of health and safety issues and the role that everyone plays in maintaining a safe working environment. What’s more, with subjects covered in just 1 day, this regulated and nationally recognised qualification is the ideal way for organisations to improve health and safety awareness, whilst minimising disruption to everyday business operations!

What's Covered?

  • Roles and responsibilities of employers and employees

  • Health and safety laws, including:

    • Penalties for non-compliance

    • Training and competence in the workplace

    • Communicating health and safety information

  • Risk assessments and risk control hierarchy

  • Identifying and controlling risks from common workplace hazards:

    • Slips, trips and falls

    • Manual handling

    • Fire safety

    • Working from height

    • Electricity

    • Hazardous substances

    • Workplace conditions

    • Ergonomics

    • Equipment

    • Noise and vibration

    • Transport and vehicles

    • Violence

    • Smoking, alcohol and drugs

    • Stress

  • Procedures for responding to accidents and incidents

  • Recording incidents, accidents and ill health

QA Level 1 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace (RQF)

Health and Safety Training

Course Overview

The QA Level 1 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace (RQF) has been specifically designed to provide candidates with a basic introduction to workplace health and safety. It is suitable for all employees working in a range of environments, as well as employees returning to work or entering work for the first time. With all subjects covered in just 4 hours, this regulated and nationally recognised qualification is ideal for providing employees with a basic understanding of workplace health and safety whilst helping employers to fulfil their legal duties.

What's Covered?

  • Health and Safety roles and responsibilities of employers and employees

  • The importance of health and safety in the workplace

    • Workplace hazards and risks:

    • Slips, trips and falls

    • Working at heights

    • Manual handling

    • Hazardous substances

    • Machinery and vehicles

    • Electricity

    • Fire

    • Stress

  • Workplace conditions that can affect health and safety

  • Health and safety signage

  • Personal Protective Equipment and its uses

  • Importance of personal hygiene

  • The purpose of first aid provision

  • The need for reporting incidents and ill health

QA Level 3 Award in Risk Assessment (RQF)

Health and Safety Training

Course Overview

The QA Level 3 Award in Risk Assessment (RQF) is a regulated and nationally recognised qualification specifically designed for those who have a responsibility for conducting risk assessments in low risk environments, such as supervisors and site managers. The qualification is also suitable for those who significantly contribute towards the risk assessment process, such as team leaders and technicians.


Over a 2 day period, candidates will learn about the principles involved in risk assessment, the relationship between hazards and risks and how to apply the hierarchy of controls when completing risk assessments. 

What's Covered?

  • Main causes of work-related accidents and ill health

  • Costs of work-related accidents and ill health to employers, employees and society

  • Health and safety responsibilities of employers and employees

  • Provisions for risk assessment contained in key legislation

  • Enforcement of health and safety laws, including penalties for non-compliance

  • Principles involved in risk assessment:

    • Defining risk assessment

    • Competencies required of a risk assessor

    • Sources of information and advice for carrying out workplace risk assessments

    • Stages of risk assessment

    • Requirements for recording, monitoring, reviewing and revising workplace risk assessments

  • How accident and ill health records can be used to target hazards and control the level of risk

  • Factors that can affect the level of risks in the workplace:

    • Occupational

    • Environmental

    • Human

  • Identifying hazards in different work environments

  • Identifying those at risk

  • Control measures for different workplace hazards

  • Suitability of control measures to:

    • Prevent exposure to hazards altogether

    • Reduce health and safety consequences

    • Effectively control an emergency situation relating to health and safety hazards

  • Applying knowledge when completing a risk assessment for an identified workplace:

    • Collecting relevant information

    • Analysing the level of risk and who may be exposed

    • Making suitable recommendations

    • Recording and communicating findings effectively

QA Level 2 Award in Risk Assessment (RQF)

Health and Safety Training

Course Overview

The QA Level 2 Award in Principles of Risk Assessment (RQF) is a regulated and nationally recognised qualification specifically designed to provide candidates with a greater awareness of risks within the workplace and the measures that can be taken to control them.


Ideal for all employees, this 1 day course covers a variety of topics, including: the main causes of work-related fatalities, processes for undertaking a risk assessment, methods that can be used to prioritise risks and more.

What's Covered?

  • Main causes of work-related fatalities, injuries and ill health

  • Moral, legal and economic reasons for preventing accidents and ill health at work

  • Key terms associated with risk assessment in health and safety at work:

    • Accident

    • Near miss

    • Accident triangle

    • Hazard

    • Risk

    • Risk assessment

    • Risk control hierarchy

    • Suitable and sufficient

    • Competence

  • The role of risk assessment in accident and ill health prevention

  • Legal requirements for risk assessment

  • Basic process for undertaking a risk assessment

  • Factors that can affect the level of risks in the workplace

    • Occupational

    • Environmental

    • Human

  • Methods that can be used to prioritise risks

  • Providing information about, and records on, the results of risk assessments

QA Level 2 Award in Working at Height (RQF)

Health and Safety Training

Course Overview

The QA Level 2 Award in Working at Height (RQF) is ideal for those who work, or are aspiring to work in any type of environment that may require them to work at height, such as: building and construction, agriculture, forestry, factories, warehouses and more.


During this 3 hour course, candidates will focus on the safety considerations, legal obligations, control measures and reporting procedures for working at height; leaving the course with knowledge of a wide variety of equipment and the principles used to ensure safe working at height.

What's Covered?

  • Legislation, regulations, roles and responsibilities when working at height

  • The consequences of non-compliance

  • Safe working practices when working at height

  • How to reduce the risks from:

    • Weather conditions

    • Working environments

    • Others working at height

    • Falling objects

    • Fragile surfaces

  • Importance of risk assessments

  • Rescue plan requirements

  • Types of equipment and testing requirements

  • Selecting appropriate equipment

  • Identifying safety precautions when using equipment

  • Reporting procedures when equipment is faulty

QA Level 2 Award in Principles of COSHH (RQF)

Course Overview

The QA Level 2 Award in Principles of COSHH (RQF) is a regulated and nationally recognised qualification specifically designed to provide candidates with a basic knowledge of COSHH regulations and requirements.


Suitable for all employees, this 4 hour course is ideal for those who wish to work in environments with hazardous substances, such as: healthcare, manufacturing, cleaning, transport, utilities and office environments.


Candidates will learn about the legal requirements relating to hazardous substances, how risk assessments contribute to the safe use of hazardous substances, as well as the precautions and procedures required to ensure that the risks associated with hazardous substances are properly controlled.

What's Covered?

  • Legal requirements relating to hazardous substances in the workplace:

    • Employer duties

    • Employee duties

    • Consequences for non-compliance

    • Communicating safety information

  • The different forms that hazardous substances can take

  • Effects that may arise after exposure to hazardous substances

  • The different routes that hazardous substances can enter the body

  • How risk assessments reduce accidents and ill health at work

  • The five step process of risk assessment

  • The control hierarchy in relation to the safe use, handling, transporting, storage and disposal of substances hazardous to health

  • Information to refer to when identifying and using hazardous substances

  • Procedures for dealing with an incident involving hazardous substances

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